The Gender Identity Law: Impact and Challenges of Legal Innovation in the (Trans)Gender Area
The gender identity law: impact and challenges of legal innovation in the (trans)gender area promoted by Centre for Research and Social Intervention, ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon (CIS/ISCTE-IUL), in partnership with ILGA Portugal and the Norwegian LGBT Association (LLH), with a maximum grant amount of €99.552 (project grant rate of 100%). The project contract was signed on 5th of June 2015 having duration of 10 months.
The project assess a legislative measure: Law no.7/2011, 15th of March that created the procedure of change of sex and first name in civil registry and made the seventeenth amendment to the Civil Registry Code, which aims to promote gender equality in Portugal and was pointed out as innovative in the European context. In this way, the project evaluated the effectiveness, efficiency and pertinence of this Law and it also address the possibility of its transposition to other countries, such as Norway.
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